10. 10 月 2024

VERBUND X Ventures公司投资格拉茨的高科技公司Easelink


从左至右:格雷戈尔·埃克哈德(Easelink),萨拉·托特(Verbund X),赫尔曼·施多克(Easelink),以及彼得·希夫(Verbund X)。

VERBUND X Ventures 是奥地利能源公司 VERBUND 的企业风险投资部门,该公司向位于格拉茨的领先高科技公司 Easelink 投资 150 万欧元。该投资支持 Easelink 扩大与 OEM 的国际客户关系并进一步发展全球行业标准。


Easelink成立的愿景是彻底改变电动汽车的充电基础设施。其专利技术矩阵充电®可实现电动汽车的全自动传导式充电,无需手动插入充电线。一旦车辆停在充电板上,矩阵充电®连接器就会从汽车底部降下并完全自动连接到充电板上。这种方法的特点是传输效率超过 99%,使其成为市场上最节能的自动充电解决方案之一。

迈克尔·斯特鲁格尔,VERBUND AG 首席执行官


电动汽车在全球范围内的重要性日益凸显。到 2030 年,预计欧洲每年将售出约 900 万辆电动汽车。然而,充电基础设施仍然是电动汽车广泛推广的最大挑战之一。凭借其矩阵充电® 技术,Easelink将自己定位为领先的解决方案提供商,可显著简化和自动化充电过程。

Easelink正在利用在奥地利开发的潜在颠覆性技术实现宏大的愿景。这项创新符合我们推广颠覆性技术的战略。与 Easelink 密切合作以支持该公司扩大和进一步发展其业务模式对我们来说尤为重要。
弗朗兹·佐赫鲍尔,VERBUND X Ventures总经理


Easelink已与领先的汽车制造商合作,这些制造商希望将矩阵充电®技术集成到其未来的车型中。Easelink在奥地利和中国设有办事处,拥有约 40 名员工的高素质团队,是进军国际市场的理想选择。凭借其先发优势和全面的专利保护,该公司在充电基础设施领域拥有显著的竞争优势。

We are convinced that automated charging is the key to the widespread adoption of electromobility. With Matrix Charging, we offer an efficient and user-friendly solution that benefits both end users and the infrastructure.
Hermann Stockinger, CEO & Founder of Easelink

By investing in Easelink, VERBUND X Ventures underlines its commitment to innovation in the energy sector and the promotion of e-mobility. Easelink is a key player whose technology will help to increase the acceptance of electric vehicles and improve the energy management of the future

About Verbund

VERBUND is Austria’s leading energy company and one of the largest producers of electricity from hydropower in Europe. The company generates around 98% of its electricity from renewable energy sources, primarily hydropower. VERBUND trades in electricity in 12 countries and, with around 3,800 employees, achieved a Group result of around EUR 2,266 million and EBITDA of around EUR 4,490 million in 2023. With subsidiaries and partners, VERBUND is active in everything from electricity generation and transportation to international trading and sales. VERBUND has been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1988 and 51% of the share capital is held by the Republic of Austria.

VERBUND is the key player for the success of the energy transition in Austria. The challenges that lie ahead require the entire company to take a unified approach, which VERBUND is driving forward with Mission V. Mission V is a long-term and comprehensive transformation program and stands for the will to confront the climate crisis as a force for change. This program is based on the VERBUND Strategy 2030 with its three thrusts: Strengthening the integrated domestic market, expanding renewable energies in Europe and establishing ourselves as a European hydrogen player. With Mission V, VERBUND is accelerating the achievement of the strategic goals for 2030 and ensuring their implementation. Further information: www.verbund.com

About Easelink

Easelink is a high-tech company headquartered in Graz, Austria, and dedicated to development of the automated conductive charging solution “Matrix Charging®” for electric vehicles. The innovative character of Easelink can be seen in its many patents and trademarks. Easelink, with sites in Austria and China, currently has approx. 40 employees and actively contributes to various standardization bodies for charging technology, such as the relevant working groups of the Charging Interface Initiative (CharIn), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Within the framework of cooperative projects, a number of leading automotive manufacturers and suppliers, infrastructure providers and vehicle fleet operators are already making use already of the innovative Matrix Charging® technology.